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Bumble Bee Letter B

Rationale: This lesson will help children identify /b/. Students will learn identify /b/ by using a sound analogy (bumble bees heartbeat), tongue tickler (Big bumble bee buzzes by betty), finding words with the letter /b/, and apply phoneme awareness by identifying /b/ in beginning letters of words.

Materials: Primary paper, pencil, crayons, picture of a bumble bee letter b with tongue tickler, worksheet for recognizing and coloring pictures that start with /b/, Berenstain’s’ B book, word list/cards for identifying words that begin with letter b (bat, cat, bug, hug, bash, crash, kite, bike).


  1. Today we are going to learn about the letter b. We learn about many different letters and what each one stands for. We spell /b/ with the letter B. B reminds me of a bumble bee and sounds like a heartbeat.

  2. Let’s look at this letter b (picture of bumble bee letter b) do you see how it looks like a bee’s wings? The letter bee looks like a bumble bee and the bumble bee’s wing. It makes sounds like a heartbeat (make the heartbeat sound). You can remember this because of a bumble bees heart beating. Let’s make the sound together, notice how your lips come together when you make the sound. Watch me do it with the word ball /b/ /b/ /b/ then add the rest of the word /a//l/l/ see I feel my lips touching and that heartbeat /b/ sound at the beginning of the word ball. Now you try it with me.

  3. Let’s try a tongue tickler. Betty was playing outside with her friends and noticed something flying next to her it was a buzzing bee. “Big Bumble Bee Buzzes By Betty.” Now let’s all say it together. /b/ /b/ig, /b/ /b/umble, /b/ /b/ee, /b/ /b/ uzzes, /b/ /b/ y,  /b/ /b/ /b/ etty. Good job!

  4. Now we are going to write the lowercase letter b (using primary paper and a pencil). Let’s start at the rooftop, go straight down past the fence and stop at the sidewalk, next go up to the fence and buzz around and back down to the sidewalk. I will come look at your letter b’s after I come see your letter, I want you to write 10 more to practice.

  5. Call on students and see if they hear /b/ in bear or fox? Bagel or toast? Now I want you to put your hand on your heartbeat if you hear the /b/ sound, ready? Say: The big bear ate berries by the barn.

  6. This book is called The Berenstains’ B Book. This book has all kinds of words that make the bumble bee heartbeat sound. (read the first 9 pages stop on blowing bubbles page). Let’s think of something else the Bear, Bull, and Baboon could do together that starts with the /b/ sound. Have students draw a picture of their idea and display in the classroom.

  7. Give out the worksheet for coloring words that begin with the letter b and call students for reading phonetic cue words.

  8. Have cards with these words on them: bat, cat, bug, hug, bash, crash, kite, bike. Model how to decide if the word is bad or mad. Listen for that heartbeat sound and notice when your lips touch together. See, /b/b/b/ /a/ /d/ and /m /m /a/ /d/. I hear /b/ in bad. I want you to try now, is this word bat or cat? Bat. hug or bug? Bug. bash or crash? Bash. kite or bike? Bike.


The Berenstain’s’ B book or hard copy

Reading genie here

Primary paper


Bounce with B


Teachers Pay Teachers, Watch Them Grow

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